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Contains guidelines, example files and other resources, that help build a project with code null standard.

Guidelines v1.3.0

Naming conventions

The naming convention helps with consistent naming and identifying what each stack is.


* = Any Character
+ = Number
# = Letter
% = Letter or number
“ = Nato Alphabet
? = Word
() = Optional
{} = Interpolation using camel casing

Naming Table

Stack Technical ID Reference Name Official Name Example 1 Example 2
Devices D#### {any} (Code) Delta “ or D-#### DZTDI - raspi - Delta Omega DHOLW - homeComputer - D-HOLW
Servers S%%%% {serverFunction}Server (Code) Sierra “ or S-%%%% S1452 - mngCaseiumServer - Sierra Alpha S1352 - comSideToMainServer - Code S-135
Programs P#%%% {officialNameW/O”Code”} (Code) ?(?-****) PC133 - caesium - Code Caesium PRT02 - roamingTool - Roaming-Tool
Components C++++ {functionType} ?(?-****) C1508 - mainMenuIn - Main Menu C4587 - alertModalOut - Alert-Modal


Types hint at the purpose of the device, server or component and helps ensuring it is only doing one thing. This way there should’t be any side effects.

  Short Description Used for
Manage mng Accessing databases for read/write operations and return data Devices, Server
Communicate com Handling communication between two or more programs, servers or devices Devices, Server
Record rec Storing data of some kind and provide a way to display them Programs, Components
Inquire inq Displaying or generating data based on user input Programs, Components
Input in Getting user input Components
Output out Displaying data only Components
Request req Get data, with no user input Components
Report rep Post or modify data Components


Use Semantic Versioning, but for programs with no public API, that requirement is ignored.

When releasing a new version, there always needs to be a release note, added to the file.

Base User Roles

The Base User Roles are a general way categorizing different levels of access. For each individual program, different names and sub levels can be used, but they all need to have a base role assigned, for the global eco system. They can also be thought of as global role identifiers or a broad category. Imagine a Cessna and Airbus A380, which can do different things, but are both categorized as fixed-wing aircraft.

The naming and structure of the sub-roles just need to fit for it’s environment. A user can have multiple roles.

  Description Intended for
Overwatch Has admin privilege for all programs in the given sub-ecosystem IT-Department, Person in charge of deploying software
Admin Is allowed to manipulate settings for a given program and manage users Team-Leaders, Project-Managers
Unit Can use program, within the limits set by an Admin Endusers, Employees

Required files

Different files are requiered, depending on what something does. Example files can be found in schema folder.

File Name File Type Content Required for If
README .md Details of the structure (brief description, list of devices, servers, etc) server, programs, components always
release_notes .md List of release notes, separated by a horizontal line server, programs, components always
features .md List of implemented and planed features, with short description programs, components always
roles .json Detailed description of avaiable roles and their permissions programs an account is needed
LICENSE any Provide details about the license server, programs, components uses specific license
apis .md List of implemented and planed APIs, with short description servers, programs, components more than 5 APIs
colors .sass, .css Liste of colors, containing hex, rgba and hsla values programs, components own colors are used


For a consistent design of flow charts, to portrait how a program works, there is a library in the schema folder. Besides that there is an overview of all elements.

Flow charts are made with / There is a desktop application, which can be downloaded from the GitHub repository

File Names

File Type Casing Style Example
Files and Folders for a program, component or server Best practice for that programming language, framework, etc. refer to official style guide
Readme Files All uppercase
Other Files All lowercase with snake casing profile_icon.psd
Other Folders First letter uppercase and snake casing, prefer one word Graphics, Icons_And_Logos
Repositories Camel Casing mngCaesiumServer
License Files All uppercase LICENSE